AS-M72 370-400W Mono Perc Solar Panel


Ankara Solar AS-M72 370-400W Mono Solar Panel is one of the best price-performance 72-cell monocrystalline modules on the market which was proven of value for money.

It is an ideal solution for use in application with tight space, for example residential and commercial rooftop to maximize utilization of space and generate electricity as much as possible. Available in power classes up to 400 Wp with efficiency of 20.60%.

TypeMonocrystalline 72-cell Perc Module
OutputUp to 400Wp
EfficiencyUp to 20,60%
Junction BoxIP67
Weight23,00 kg
Temp. Coefficients of Pmax-0.40%/℃


  • 12 years product warranty
  • 30 years linear power warranty

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